In any event, the role of the cynosure and the observer is both, co-dependant and interdependent. Having arrived in Kolkata recently, last evening left me with a sense of déjà vu and reassurance, that the vestiges of a noble past exists and is prevalent in The City of Joy!

A farewell hosted by Subha Pal for Meeryung Hall at her residence, was fragrant with nostalgia of a myriad other goodbyes globally. The iconic cognoscenti present were stalwarts in their own right, except me! Consequently the narrative as I had the distinct privilege of being both, a participant and an observer.

Amidst draperies peeked a profusion of laburnum, the interior an elegant synthesis of the state of the art decor and artefacts that echoed the glory of yesteryears, scintillating conversation, and yes, the food. The confluence of ethnicity and continental cuisine, washed down with fresh fruit juices, and the connoisseurs choice of tea, was quintessentially a mirror image of Meeryung 's contribution to the host country.

The orchestration of the event, the varied delicacies circulated and served, came to a reverberating crescendo with an intermingling of the operatic rendering of ' Auld Lang Syne' and ' Purano shei deener kawtha '. Bravo Subha! A fine demonstration of representation from the host country, with foreword, afterword, hospitality, warmth and genuine attention to detail. Here's to you Subha, a class act!